PS > Find-DomainUserLocation -UserIdentity snovvcrash
Search for IPs from where the user of interest logged on to current machine (event 4624):
PS > Get-EventLog Security -InstanceId 4624 | ? {$_.Message.Contains("snovvcrash")} | select -First 10 | fl * | Out-File C:\Windows\Temp\user.dat
Cmd > wmic ntevent where "LogFile='Security' and EventCode=4624 and Message like '%%snovvcrash%%'" get /format:list | findstr /c:"Source Network Address" | sort /unique
$ 'wmic ntevent where "LogFile='"'"'Security'"'"' and EventCode=4624 and Message like '"'"'%%snovvcrash%%'"'"'" get /format:list | findstr /c:"Source Network Address" | sort /unique'